Endless legend broken lords heroes

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Build the Medical Center and/or Inoculation Station buildings in your city (for roughly 25% total).Win the Legendary Deed that gives you Intelligence Corps for a flat +20% per turn.Get a hero (necrophages or sisters of mercy) with a skill that boosts % healing per turn).Each of their villages gives +5% per turn, which can add up to a huge bonus (healing 1/3 of your hp per turn with 5 or 6 such villages). Ally yourself with the Sisters of Mercy.This may not be enough, though, so you can also: Watchtowers give you 20%, and this rises as you improve them to Lookout Towers and Remotuscope Factories.Standing on a friendly city boosts this to 10% (garrisoning has the same effect it doesn't stack).By default, you'll heal a very slow 5% per turn.